Self-Care September: You, Me, and Grace
Dear Friends, Do you need some motivation? Accountability? Inspiration, perhaps? Do you have goals that need rewriting or dusting off?...

Magical New Beginnings ~ July Newsletter
Dear Friends, I was going to start this newsletter off with huge text that said Happy July with added exclamation marks and emojis... and...

Zoom Bombed
Zoom Bombed I feel compelled to share the Zoom hijacking experience from yesterday. If you are using Zoom or any other webinar platform...

Live Streaming Yoga with Tess
Hi Everyone! Thank you so much for signing up for my newsletter! Thank you for coming to my new Zoom live streaming classes this last...

Let's Start Here
Dear Everyone, Hello dear friends and here we are. Our lives have been overtaken by the COVID-19 pandemic. I don't even know where to...