Comings and Goings...
Events and more... ** Feedback Survey ** I want to hear from you. Please fill out my survey by clicking here: ~ Transform with Tess A...
The Inflamed Soul
The Inflamed Soul I have been sitting back reflecting on the last few very tragic days. It is hard to know what to say or where to...
A New World ~ A Progressive Approach
June Newsletter JUNE Events Quantum HEALING PODCAST NEW Mailbox Video RECORDINGS and MORE… Quantum Healing ~ Rise & Thrive Saturday,...
Zoom Bombed
Zoom Bombed I feel compelled to share the Zoom hijacking experience from yesterday. If you are using Zoom or any other webinar platform...
Live Streaming Yoga with Tess
Hi Everyone! Thank you so much for signing up for my newsletter! Thank you for coming to my new Zoom live streaming classes this last...
Let's Start Here
Dear Everyone, Hello dear friends and here we are. Our lives have been overtaken by the COVID-19 pandemic. I don't even know where to...
The Power of Gut and Brain Health
The Power of Gut and Brain Health "When health is absent, wisdom cannot reveal itself, art cannot manifest, strength cannot fight,...
The Power of Yogic Sleep
The Power of Yogic Sleep We live in a society that speeds at a rate faster than we can keep up. Our plates are full and our tanks are...
2020: The Wisdom of the Body
Happy New Year Quantum Healing Family! I am so pleased for the opportunity to start again fresh and renewed for the new year. As we come...
The two things we should never neglect, ever...
I read this in my yoga class while students where in savasana... "A flower does not think of competing to the flower next to it. It just...