A New World ~ A Progressive Approach

June Newsletter
JUNE Events
NEW Mailbox
and MORE…

Quantum Healing ~ Rise & Thrive Saturday, June 20th, 2020 - 11am Now more than ever we appreciate coming together in community, uniting with our friends and family, moving our bodies, and staying healthy for our hearts and minds. Carve out some needed time and join us on Saturday, June 20th at 11am for a transformative experience to help awaken the inner realm, remove negative imprints on the soul that have been caused by isolation, doubt, frustration, and bring forth all of you, your magnificent soul power. Together we will:
* Break through anxiety, frustration, and isolation with breath work and yoga movements.
* Learn how to maneuver this new world as we transition our lives from the challenging external events and circumstances.
* Clear our energy to remove the heaviness of the old world so we may reset into this new world.
* Discover progressive ways of thinking, communicating, creating, and giving through discussion and question and answer, so we can rise out of this and thrive.
Topics include:
* My choices, your choices, together: Learn how choices have power as we understand the challenges and pressures of today’s time.
* Local is our future: Moving forward as we embrace a structural shift in the current economy.
* Trust me, give some: Practical tools for creating positive effects of generosity towards each other, our community and beyond.
There is no time better than the present moment to awaken, open our hearts, and become more mindful and gentle as we replace our fears with wisdom. With warmth and compassion, we will guide you gently through our sacred time together. Think of it as a mini retreat for the soul, and an awakening for the body and mind.
Our meeting will take place online through the Zoom format. For questions please contact Tess at 530-520-0729 or thequantumexp@gmail.com. Pricing, details, and payment options are on the registration page. Click here to register and subscribe, www.thequantumexp.com. Here’s to new beginnings, in our progressive new world, and to starting right where you are. Om Shanti, The Quantum Healing Team www.thequantumexp.com thequantumexp@gmail.com 530-520-0729
~ The Be-Wilderness ~ Podcast
“The Bewilderness Podcast is a blend of open discussion and narrative form that explores the lives and shares the stories of individuals who seek out challenge and live their adventure.’’
I am honored to be a guest on Kyle Murphy’s Bewilderness Podcast.
Click here to hear my story on life, love, death, and yoga.

You can now mail correspondence, donations, workshop, and /or training payments to my new mailbox: Tess Conrad 1079 Sunrise Ave. Ste B-272 Roseville, Ca 95661

YOGA and The Virtual WORLD I have been teaching live streaming yoga classes via Zoom online since mid March. It has been an extremely enjoyable, challenging, and wild ride teaching yoga from my small home / office / music / yoga room studio. We are making it work as a family and as a community. I’ve noticed the more I teach, the better and better the classes become. They are fun, powerful, restoring, energy clearing, all levels, safe, sacred, and for everybody! I am bursting with ideas on how to keep this online format fun, practical, and beneficial for our hearts, minds, bodies, and spirits. My yoga offerings are donation based, pay-what-you-can to support our gathering on this online platform. (Venmo: @Tess-Conrad-1) I am pleased to announce I have yoga recordings available! Please subscribe to my live streaming classes by going to www.tessconradyoga.com. I will add you to the growing list of yogis. I am offering private Zoom classes to keep us accountable, high vibrational, healthy, mindful, and strong. If you are interested in my recordings or private sessions, please message me. In the near future, I will be offering yoga outside with social distancing in mind, respectfully. It is hard to say when or if I will return to East Wind Yoga. Stay tuned for more! I am excited to continue our practice, stay in community, stay home, keep expanding, growing, and mindfully guiding us through the love and power of yoga. Endless gratitude to all of you who are showing up and taking this new world to a whole new level! Below is my live streaming schedule. Jump on anytime. Refer a friend, subscribe to my website, and pass on the good word for staying connected and healthy. Each link for each class will be different. Classes are all levels. Start where you are, just as you are. Zoom Live Streaming Yoga Schedule: Tuesdays: 9:30am & 5:00pm ~ Slow Flow (Clean & Nourish) Thursdays: 12:00pm ~ Flow (Build & Create ~ weights optional) Saturdays: 9:30am ~ Fusion Flow (Power & Circulation) Sundays: 9:30am ~ Slow Flow (Wake Up & Renew) & 11am ~ Yin (Immunity Booster)
~ Self Love Inspiration Tools and Treasures
Rose Spray

Rose oil is one of the most precious essential oils in the world and is known as the Queen of the oils. The healing quality is associated with love and helps to open and clear the heart chakra. $11 per 3 ounce bottle. Top five uses for rose spray:
1. Anti-Inflammatory properties to soothe the skin and calm skin imperfections.
2. Astringent toner promotes even skin tone and healthy complexion.
3. Anti aging - helps to keep wrinkles and fine lines at bay.
4. Aromatherapy - calms the nervous system, relieves anxiety, soothes headaches and tension.
5. Uplifts your spirit and promotes feelings of happiness and vitality.
What’s Your Word?

Answer these questions to find out what is your WORD? What virtue do you want more of in your life? What is a challenge you want to overcome? What makes you want to get up in the morning? What do you want to actively focus on or manifest everyday? Your WORD is an inspirational reminder to stay in the light even when there’s so much contrast. $15 per bracelet or Two for $25. My word is GRACE.
Yoga Tanks Summer heat is on the horizon! Grab a couple Tess Conrad Yoga merchandise tanks and we’ll see you for practice! $20 per tank or two for $35.
** I can happily mail these self-love inspiration items to help keep our community strong and our vibration high

~ A great, big, huge, heartfelt thank you for reading, contributing, supporting, and joining me as we continue our journey along this great path we call life. 🙏 Love and gratitude, Tess Tess Conrad Yoga E-RYT, YACEP, RYS www.tessconradyoga.com tessconradyoga@gmail.com 530-520-0729 Please don’t hesitate to let me know if you have any questions, need additional support, accountability, a social distance walk or talk, and if I can help you in anyway. We will get through this together. Stay connected, stay safe, and I can’t wait to see you for practice. Namaste ~